Annapolis Country Club Swim Team Championship Programs


My Mom and Dad saved programs from about five years of League and Team Chamionships.
Here they are
Click on the photo to see (or download) a PDF of that program.

1968 Chesapeake Swim League Individual Championship


1969 ACC Swim Team Banquet


1970 ACC Swim Team Banquet


1970 Chesapeake Swim League Individual Championship


1970 Chesapeake Swim League Novice Swim Meet


1971 ACC Swim Team Banquet


1971 ACC Swim Team Banquet (part 2)


1971 Chesapeake Swim League Individual Championship


1971 Chesapeake Swim League Novice Swim Meet


1972 ACC Swim Team Banquet


1972 Chesapeake Swim League Individual Championship


1973 ACC Swim Team Banquet


1973 Chesapeake Swim League Individual Championship
Central Maryland Swim League D or Red Division


1974 ACC Swim Team Banquet

1971 Chesapeake Swiim Team League Handbook (Revised 1972)

The Pool Today (still photos)

The Tennis Courts Today

A Gallery of Swim Team Ribbons

League and Team Championship Programs

My memories of THE BEACH (with photos)

The Forts We Built in the Woods


If you have pictures or anything else (articles, anecdotes, etc.) relating to the pool or swim team that you would like to share

CLICK HERE and send it to me.

Bruce Bubier, February 2015

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